How I Transformed My Life with One Simple Habit

Rayna Edir
3 min readAug 7, 2024

For years, I struggled with feeling stuck. My days felt repetitive, my goals seemed out of reach, and I constantly battled a sense of inadequacy. I read countless self-help books and attended workshops, hoping to find a magical solution. Yet, nothing seemed to make a lasting impact — until I discovered the power of one simple habit: journaling.

The Turning Point

It all started when a friend recommended I try journaling daily. Skeptical but desperate for change, I bought a plain notebook and promised myself I’d write in it every morning for a month. The first few days were awkward. I didn’t know what to write, and my thoughts seemed disjointed. But I persisted.

The Process

As the days turned into weeks, something remarkable began to happen. My journaling sessions became a time of reflection and self-discovery. Here’s the process I followed:

  1. Morning Pages: I started my day by writing three pages of whatever came to mind. This technique, inspired by Julia Cameron’s “The Artist’s Way,” helped clear my mind and prepare me for the day ahead.
  2. Gratitude List: Each entry ended with a list of things I was grateful for. Focusing on the positives shifted my mindset from scarcity to abundance.



Rayna Edir

As a versatile writer, I love creating engaging and informative content on various topics, satisfying readers' curiosity and inspiring them to learn more 🤩🥹😘